Preliminary Contest Programme


April, 22. Monday.



16.00 Supervisors’ meeting. Room 1416.


April, 23. Tuesday.


9.30 Contest Opening. Auditorium.

10.00-14.00 Theory Contest. Room 1306, 1504.

10.00-13.00 Workshop on Scientific and Methodical Questions of Mechanics. Room 1429.

15.00-20.00 Theory contest problem solutions checkups. Room 1429.

21.00 Preliminary Theory Contest results declaration. Room 1429


April, 24. Wednesday.


10.00 "Brain - ring" Team Contest. Task solutions. Room 1504.

11.30 Discussion of Theory Contest problem solutions. Room 1504.

14.00 Hearing of preliminary Theory Contest result appeals. Room 1429.

18.00 Panel of judges’ meeting. Room 1429.


April, 25. Thursday.


13.00 Official Closing of Contest (Summing up, Award). Auditorium.


Participants’ departure.


Room numbers are tentative. Changes are possible.

During the Contest the cultural program is being organized, the information will be sent apart.

Hosted by uCoz